$499.40 USD

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Introduction to the Terrain Paradigm through the Holographic Blood (Oct 2024) 3 payments

Thank you for your interest in our Introduction to the Terrain Paradigm through the Bigelsen Method of Holographic Blood©! It’s going to be a lot of great information! Some of which you have heard before. Some which you haven’t heard before and some which is the exact opposite of what have heard.

Our father, Dr.Harvey Bigelsen was always repeating that: "Health is simple, people are complicated".

We have developed this course to bring his work to all of you, so you can also learn with ease how to take care of your own self and recover again your health freedom.

During this course, you will have a total different insight about how the body truly works. Sometimes, can be exactly the opposite of what you have been told. 

Our father developed the exclusive method Holographic Blood over almost 40 years. A method based on the Terrain Paradigm, on pleomorphisms and symbiosis. A total different perspective.  

This information can potentially save many lives, particularly in the moment we are now. What is for sure, is that you will never think the same way regarding your health and wellness again.

During the course you will have access to the Bigelsen School of Health, where we discuss related contents (Live Q&A and guests).

Please note that this is NOT a microscope training course however it a prerequisite for any future trainings which may include microscopy. This is to ensure that we are working with people who are totally aligned with our philosophy. We are more than happy to answer any questions for you and we look forward to having you as part of the team!

El curso es en inglés y está traducido íntegramente con subtítulos en español.